Friday, May 24, 2013

5/19 : Hope Run 5k

Date : 19 May 2013 (Sun) | Location : Kiwanis Park Tempe |Distance : 5km on the dot | Time : 27:09 | Pace : 5:25’/km | Condition : a warm morning race | Route : flat at the park | Satisfaction level : 4/5
The Hope Run was organized to support the missing children. Registered this race under Intel Team, with a 50% discount.


    The International/National Missing Children’s Day is observed in May of each year. It is a day to remember many thousands of small children who go missing or are innocent victims of abduction by strangers or by family members, worldwide. No matter what your run or walk speed is, come join us at the Kiwanis Park. Proceeds from this event goes to American Association for Lost Children, a non-profit organization that works for lost children.

  • Met Dr Sim and May Ling with their baby Jonathan.
    Wore Intel Involved tee-shirt for the run. Saw quite a number of Intel runners, as well as volunteers.
    Have not been running much, so wasn't expecting a great timing.
    I was there early@slightly after 6am, way too early.. LOL. Anyway, I did some own runs around the Kiwanis Park. The Park is along Guadalupe Road, around 13mins from San Cervantes, so pretty near. It has a lasrge lake for anglers, and nicely paved tracks around the lake. ! reckon a loop is ~0.7miles, if I recalled correctly.

    The race started at 7.30am. I think there were <200 runners. For such a small race, they even used an bib-attached timing chip, pretty impressive.

    Did 7:30 pace for the first miles or so before I kaputted. Was pacing a runner and gradually lost sight of him. The last loop around the Kiwanis lake was tough, more so under the warm morning sun. Managed to complete the race at 27:09. Was quietly hoping to do a 26mins but I will take this anytime..

    No race in plan now, so will ust slowly build up my stamina and fitness back..

    running tee (cotton) and the bib

    Running for a cause

    Finishing point
    Results.. Mine is way down below..

    The Kiwanis Park lake

    Monday, May 13, 2013

    Fitness level in poor state, next race 5/19 5km Hope Run

    So I DNS the Whiskey Row Marathon as I went back to Malaysia for the Offsite (May 9/10) and also the GE13 voting on 5/5. On a hind-sight, it wasn't a bad thing to happen as I would have struggled badly on the hilly race..
    Training has been so scarce and fitness level dropped as a result, not to mention the additional weight put up... Gotta do something about it in the next 3 months I am here !

    Coming out with my own 3-month training plan towards the River Jungle Marathon on 1 September.

    So far I am here:
    - 3 full marathon - AZ RnR (Jan'13), IMS AZ (Feb), Phoenix (Mar)
    - 3 DNS - Desert Classic Marathon (Feb - too far and still recovering from AZ RnR), Pat's Run (post-Boston bombing scare), Whiskey Row (went home to vote GE13)..

    Next run is the 5km @ Hope Run (Kiwanis Park, Tempe)

    Some description:
    The International/National Missing Children’s Day is observed in May of each year. It is a day to remember many thousands of small children who go missing or are innocent victims of abduction by strangers or by family members, worldwide. No matter what your run or walk speed is, come join us at the Kiwanis Park. Proceeds from this event goes to American Association for Lost Children, a non-profit organization that works for lost children.