Sunday, November 13, 2011

Rock to Rock Run - they really rock !!!

Did my first ever Rock to Rock Run on November 13th (Sunday), and well well well.. they do rock ! It wa sa short 4k (measured on my Garmin as 4k vs published 3.8k) run from Hard Rock Hotel to Tropical Spice Garden, make U-turn at the big tree right opposute the Tree Monkey Restaurant, and back to Hard Rock Hotel.. Pretty much an ascending run from hotel to Spice Garden and mostly descending run on the way back.

I did my run in 18:40mins, with a pace of 4:40mins/km.. Enjoyed the run, and think I did well. In fact, I just had a 10k run the evenng on Saturday at Botanical Garden ! I guess that must be me trying to catch up the lost time - I only did 3 runs in the last 3 weeks, including the "disasterous" 21k @ PJ Half and a couple of short runs ! So much for my early tapering towards PBIM.. LOL !!

and for once, I became a semi-photographer myself.. Had some great shots, especially the whacky dressing the runners came in with.. I went with Chris, good that he's off the clutches and walk with a slight limp but definitely in a much better shape !!

The stage for the performance and post-run awards

Me and Chris

The winners for the runs and best dressed

Very creative dressing in deed !

Mostly i-Run and Forward runners

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