Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hello blog.. I am back !! :)

Wow.. I have not been updating the blog for >1 month.. Many distractions the last 5 weeks that also badly impacted my training plans.. There were these work related stuff (Mad Party, the annual functions, the Street party), I was kong-ed out for 2 wks due to bad cough, then came Jadyn’s hospitalization..

So what have happened since the Larian Merdeka in early Sept ?

1.       Starwalk @ Sept 17th.  That was my first competitive walk and I managed to bring along Jenny for the workout. Boy, brisk walking is not joke ! Not easy but I enjoyed it. The atmosphere in front of Penang Times Square was pretty carnival like. Went there too early (kiasu of not enough parking space), met many familiar faces. Walked with Jenny for most part of the walk, at least until 7km before I decided to ‘ditch’ her (LOL !) and walked faster. Completed the race in 1:32, Jenny did very well @ 1:36.. Luckily I did not finish behind her.. Phewss.. A couple of frens won medals, ie Alwin and Kelvin.. Congrats !!
2.       Guang Ming Hikathon @ Oct 14th. I am not a hiker but decided to test out my stamina. Met with Evelyn and James Boo, whom both flew aeroplane on me later by going for the fun hike route instead of competitive !  The route did a 2+km run loop around the Bukit Jamul before going straight up the hilly hike. Holy cow, I was totally KO’ed after 15mins hike, too steep.. Had to stop many times along the way to catch my breath, and at the same time, cursing myself for my stupidity !  But I made some new frens along the way, and entertained by a chatter-box lady.. Wah, that lady really can talk and I was already out-of-breath. Someone further behind commented on her Chinese language and she was not happy.. Drama betul !  She eventually finished so far ahead of me that I lost track of her.. I ended the hike with a slightly twisted ankle, painful calves, a more importantly, a bruised ego for not getting a medal at the end.. The medals were meant for the top 100 finishers (all males and females).. Think I finished in the 150-ish region. But then, it’s all worth the sweat and ant/mosquitoes bites. I made it past Bukit Kukus with a peak of 416m vs the Bukit Jambul’s peak of 200m !!  Now that’s an additional item to my resume.
3.       I signed up for the Tanjung Run 10km, a week before the PBIM. It will be held on Saturday.
4.       I missed KRI Ipoh 21km. Jadyn was hospitalized due to viral infection. Too last minute to give away the bib although I know there are people looking for one..
5.       The 3 States 10km parit Buntar International Triangle Run on Nov 10th has been canceled/pushed out to next year.. I am still waiting for my refund despite multiple SMSed !!! Crap..

I will go for the dramatic story of Putrajaya Night Marathon.. but before that, a quick count on the # races completed, year to date..

42km – 2/3 done.. SCKLM was easy, PNM was hell.. LOL
21km – 3/3 done.. 2 PBs, very satisfied, sub 1:50 next target..
And many other 10kms, and 12kms…

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