This is my 3rd competitive race this year after
Malakoff 26k and Energizer Night Race
21K Sepang.. I decided to bring along the family since this is not too far from
Penang and it'll serve as a nice and short outing for the family, especially the kids. After all, we have never been to
Kuala Kangsar..
The drive took around 1.5 hrs.. We were greeted by the gigantic and majestic arc when entering
Kuala Kangsar. After all, it's the
Sulatan Azlan Shah this month !
We then checked into the Perak Riverside Resort Hotel.. Kuala Kangsar is a small town with Jalan Taiping as the main road and 2 small round-abouts.. At least this is what I observed.. Hehe.. I love the Resort.. It's situated right beside the Sungai Perak and the side facing the Sultan ABdul Jalil bridge, quite a sight to behold. There is also a playground next to the hotel. A big banner welcomed the runners to the hotel. Obviously, the race kit collection is done at the hotel !
After a short rest, of course the next logical thing is to look for the best food @ Kuala Kangsar ! of course I checked all these thru the website..
Stop#1 : Yat Lai Restaurant.. best known for its halal 'pau' (dumplings).. A gathering place for the Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) students in the good old days.. It took us quite a while to locate this though it's smacked in the center of the row of shop lots.. The paus were quite good. Jenny ordered only pau daging and pau kaya.. Should have ordered the other 2 flavors (pau ayam and pau kacang) to try out, anyway.. The paus are considered pricey for such a small town though they are not like the standard dim sum pau but looks more like a homemade pau with soft skin. Price : RM1.80 for pau ayam and daging, RM1.50 for pau kacang and kaya.

Stop #2: Pak Ngah Laksa and Cendol.. Seems to be the most famous food here at Kangsar, even with newspaper clippings recommending the place. Took us a bit longer to find it as it's hidden from the main road. Thanks to a lady whom we met at the shopping mall who directed us there. I find the laksa gravy very different.. Jenny said it's very rich in belacan but I found the noodle too hard and springy. The cendol is also nice, not too sweet or too rich in coconut oil.

Stop #3:
I did this for supper.. Trying to do carbo loading the night before the race. Found this Malay food court pretty happening with many fellow runners enjoying the night out.. I ordered this Mee Kungfu with telur mata kerbau.. Very delicious indeed.. Taste like the Chinese crispy noodle !
Of course my main intention to visit Kuala Kangsar is to check out the royal town and its heritage and grandiose palaces and mosques.
Stop #1: Masjid Ubaidah - Foundation was laid in 1913 by Sultan Idris Shah but was not completed until much later. This is an icon of Kuala Kangsar.. At last, I have seen it and taken photo of the majestic mosque !!
Stop #2: Istana Iskandariah.. Built in 1926 after the big flood.. Official residence of Sultan of Perak.

Stop #3: Istana Kenangan.. Built in 1926 also and was built without a blueprint and amazingly, with a single nail being used !
Stop #4: Pavillion Square Tower near the Clifford Field. Built in 1930 and was meant to be used by the royals to watch polo matches nearby.
Stop #5 : SMK Clifford and the famous MCKK (Malay College Kuala Kangsar) !
Opened in 1905, Malay College was the training grounds for hundreds of boys from royal and aristocratic families.
SMK Clifford and the Clifford Field where we started the race

I met Nik Raiha on the night before as she helped out PACM in the organization and goodie bags preparation. On the race day morning, walked to the field with Nik as it was just a short walk from the hotel. After all, the roads are closed and finding a car park will not be easy too.
The race started at 7.10am from Clifford Field. The route went through the Jambatan Sultan Abdul Jalil, turned at the giant labu sayong, then turn back into the town towards the Masjid and Istana area before detouring into the kampungs and residential area. This is the place where it got tougher with more slopes and narrower roads. I did the first 5km in 26mins, then 10km at 1:00 on the dot. But the last 4km was bad with 32mins clocked..
Photo with Rustam (PACM President), NIk and her running buddy (forgot his name :(....
Date : 22 May 2011 Time Flag Off : 7.10amVenue : Clifford Field (opposite Malay College Kuala Kangsar)Run time : 1:32:32 (Garmin clocked)Run time : 1:32:35 (Official chip time)Pace : 6:18min/kmDistance : 14.65kmURL of result : medal is nice, shaped like the
labu sayong.. I also like the Finisher T, from Brooks.
White color - my favorite !
Overall, a great outing with the family and a very nice run through Kuala Kangsar town.. Great experience, and I am sure I will be back next year if they organize it again !!
Looking for the next run - SPCA Charity Run, 10km on 29 May before I jet off for my Beijing vacation !! Yahooo !!!