Monday, December 12, 2011

US races !? Fancy them ?? :-)

Stepping into 2012, 2nd half poses an unknown as my assignment may come up and I might be doing my 'tour-of-duty' at the States for the technology transfer ! So I am trying to squeeze in as many races as possible in the first half and we shall see..
If I do really end up in the States in 2nd half, I will surely miss my PBIM 2012, and SCM 2012.. But what the heck ! I am now looking forward to some breath-taking races in US, God's willing, if time permits !!

High in the priority list (based on $ and time affordability also lah sicne I can't be taking time off from my work that much...)

1) Chicago Marathon - Oct 10, 2012
2) California International Marathon (Sacramento) - Dec 2, 2012
3) Tucson Marathon (Tuscon) - Dec 9, 2012
4) Arizona Rock and Roll series - Jan 2013
5) Sedona Marathon - Feb 2013
6) Phoenix Marathon - Mar 2013
and the list goes on and on...

Who says I will miss the races in this part of the world.. LOL !,7912,s6-239-283-284-0-0-0-0-AZ,00.html

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