Sunday, July 29, 2012

7/29 - A great 12k and PBIM clinic.. also my wife's birthday :)

I attended the PBIM running clinic @ Botanical Gardens today. This is the very first time I attended a clinic and probably has more knowledge (than before I started running) about running, methods, nutrition, training etc. There were probably ~300 runners who joined in the clinic which is actually encouraging. Before the clinic which started at 7.30am, I decided to do a 10km. I hardly run on Sunday nowadays since it’s a family day and just focus on Saturday as my long run day. However, this week is a bonus !  I did my late morning run @ Botanical for 8km yesterday (did the Eco Challenge 3 loops – man, that was tough especially the killer slope !!) and I another run today. So that helps to make up for the lack of mileage at the early part of the week.
The amazing thing is… there were some many runners along the road all the way from Botanical to Gurney, and some turned into Tanjung Bungah, and some to Georgetown… and they all started at 6am ! Wow ! I think people are more health conscious now and it helps with big running groups and gangs motivating each other. I decided to try a hard race and do a faster than my HM pace. I did my usual route to Straits Quay from Botanical Garden and made a turn back. Met so many familiar faces along the way. In total, distance : 12km ngam ngam, time : 1:02, pace : 5:10. I think I did an even pace but could be slight negative split. The last 1.5km run from the Gottelieb Road slope back to Youth Park was exhilarating !
I then proceeded to join in the PBIM. Frank Chong was there. I follow his blog and his adventure (especially his latest conquer of Comrades Marathon @ South Africa), and inspired by him. But alas, the clinic itself was boring.. Frank (and his mate Roy) showed some simple ways to stretch pre-race, then asked us to run around Botanical Garden. I did 2 loops, most did 1 and some 3-4 loops. We then followed on with a post-race stretching before he allowed some questions. It was all over within an hr or so. I was looking forward for more sharing on personal experience and perhaps doctor (we have Dr Lim Guan Choon there) to share some Do’s and Don’ts.. Anyway, it was a Sunday and it was supposed to be light and easy, and acted as a gathering of sorts for the Penang runners.. Below are a couple pictures taken by Uncle Alex Ong..

with Mr Choo Cheng Liang

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