Tuesday, July 3, 2012

When it started 4 years ago...

I was commenting on Jamie’s GCM’s post and it suddenly dawned on me that it’s been 4 years since I decided to take charge of my life by adopting a much healthier lifestyle.. I believe every run (no matter how big or far it is) has a story to tell. Those are/were the memorable (and not so memorable) ones that will stay with us for a long time to come.. something that we will cherish when we look back in the near future..
For myself, a quick flashback.
-        2009 July, I signed up for PBIM half marathon out of the blue.. Not many friends who runs.. No large running community like what we have now. I guess what triggered me was I have 2 small kids then (still small now lah), and I did not want to continue with my sedentary lifestyle.. and risk dying young !
-        2009 – hardly any training, and I suffered during PBIM 2009.. Blistered on both feet (stupid me, simply wear a capalang Fila sports shoe), cramp on both calves.. I cursed myself to death. Most memorable race : PBIM of course.
-        2010 – Well, a little bit more running.. once or twice a week.. mileage ? negligible.. I didn’t even track since I did not have a GPS watch then.. Did a few races, more of a recreational run. Most memorable race : ENR Cyberjaya – my first night race, and out of Penang !  Longest race : Malakoff Penang 26km
-        2011 – I entered my 40th birthday.. I wanted to do something that will change the course of my life for the better, hopefully.. I signed up for more races, did more training (2-3 times a week), met so many wonderful friends (new and old alike) who into serious running. Facebook helped so much. I started running in many places and travelling too. Of course my better half start to complain J  Started buying and experimenting with different type of shoes (and running gears). Running is still the cheapest sports anyway ! Most memorable races : TTHR (obviously for my HM PB), PBIM (my virgin FM), SAFRA Bay’s Run (1st run overseas – Singapore)
-        2012 – The plan is to run in fewer races (well, kids growing up, need my attention) but do quality ones. Target is do 2 FM (anything more is a bonus), and improve my timing. Main focus is still run safe, run injury-free.

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