Friday, September 14, 2012

Larian Merdeka - small event & a hot morning run

Larian Merdeka – This was a last minute replacement since I missed out the CFAL registration. Grounded for the 2 weeks due to Jadyn’s exam, means I miss out the River Jungle Marathon (RJM) and the Adidas King of the Road (KOTR) as well ! Larian Merdeka was organized by the Malay Chamber of Commerce to commemorate the 55th Merdeka celebration. Though many runners absent participating in the other events, it was still has a nice turn-out of 300-400 runners.. With CFAL flagging off at 7am, Larian Merdeka was pushed to start at 7.30am. It was a sunny day, and way too hot for a run even for a 10km !
As usual, I was off the block way too fast, running a sub-5 mins pace before fading off and recovered in the last km. Struggled in the last few kms especially at the Gurney Drive area – with bright shining sun and the energy-zapping heat. Hui Sang was there as well, so was Edmund, Mann, Zimah and a few NT CRC runners. Hui Sang got a 2nd placing for her category while Zimah, as expected, dominated for 1st placing.
I did a 5:02 pacing, 9.72km @ 49mins 01s. Not bad as this is the best run I ever did in a 10km. Not the most enjoyable race but happy with the time nonethelsss.

Distance : 9.72km
Time : 49:01
Pace : 5:02’/km

Taking break from races before continuing with Putrajaya Night Marathon (PNM) on 10/20 !!

Starting & Finishing point in fron of Immigration Office @ Beach Street
With Edmund after the run

With Abul Rahman and Edmund before the run
The cert & medal
1km split from Runkeeper. Have to use this since I still do not have my replacement Garmin yet. Ignore the 1km, wated 11mins before flag off
2nd half 1km split.Faded badly but found the rhythm in the last 1km (KIASU mode ON :-)
Have my favorite latte after the run @ LightHouse Coffee

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