Sunday, March 27, 2011

Malakoff Penang 26KM - Mar'27, my first race for 2011

I completed my first race of the year @ Malakoff Penang 26KM 2011. This is my 2nd time participating in the race, my first being 2010. The 20+ hr rain nearly put a damper into the participation. It has been raining & pouring since 26th March 8am and was still having occasional pour as of 3.30am. Thank God it stopped around 4am and stayed away until the very tail end of the race ! Amazing but true, sounds like bomoh at work. Hehe.

My time = 3 hr 08 min 41 s, with pace of 7.23min/km, and speed 8.30km/hr. This is much better compared to last year’s time of 3:31, so that’s an improvement of 23mins. My 5km splits : 5km/35min (35mins), 10km/1:06 (31mins), 15km/1:46 (40mins), 20km/2:22 (36mins), 25km/3:00 (38mins), 26km/3:08. I had blistered feet and calf muscle cramp (both calves) at around the clock tower turn (18th km). Anyway, I managed to hold on to that until the finishing line. Overall, the event were well organized, Kudos to Malakoff and the sponsors, except for 2 observations : #1) Lack of isotonic drinks along the run. We were mainly provided with Spritzer mineral water and even Revive cups were filled with mineral water. It’s towards the 2nd half drink stations that we have 50/50 split of isotonic drinks. #2) St John Ambulance presence were scarce. I recalled only seeing 1 along the way, ie near the clock tower. I saw 2 guys grimacing in pain due to the cramps. The only way the St john Ambulance people could help was to provide a towel as cold compress and a pail of water ! They did not even have the simple muscle ache spray ! Gosh.. luckily I carried with me to last me through the run.. So, Yoko Yoko – never run without it.. My new tagline.. LOL !

The drink station locations : 5th km @ Lembah Permai, right after the Vale of Temp winding roads, 10th KM right after Tanjung Bungah Hotel, 15th KM @ tail end of Gurney, 20th KM @ half way of Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 24th KM @ Jalan Sepoy Line

The medal - 2011 (L) vs 2010's (R)

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