Thursday, March 24, 2011

Penang Earth Day Run (April 24)

Penang Earth Day Run on Apr 24th.. Clashes with Bidor Run ! Still have not decided which race to run. The Earth Day Run will be a good recognition to the State government and supports the promotion of green environment.

Time : Sunday, April 24, 6.30am - 9.30am
Venue : Stadium MPSP, Bukit Mertam
Distance : 12km and 1km


1 comment:

  1. Although not as bad a the Energizer night race 2011 .... Penang Earth Day Run 2011 was quite a mess itself ... 1. Bib/T collection venue at Bandar Sunway changed to BM almost at the last minute 2. Inexperienced organizer set the 12km run start time at 7:45am, 15mins into the run, everyone was cooked by the sun, it was very hot, several runners fainted before reaching the finishing line, slow runners was cooked alive for 2 hours or more, they should have started the run at 6:30am 3. Medals, certificates, positions big mixed up, it was a big mess, again the organizers were inexperienced in handling a running event 3. They use non-biodegradable plastic mineral water bottles, 90% of the bottles was thrown away with at least 50-70% filled, who could hold & drink an entire bottle while running 12km?.... well Penang the first Green State?? We doubt ... 4. Insufficient water stations/supply, one of the water station even switched to the opposite side of the road to hide from the scorching sun, thirsty runners had to brave pass busy traffic and back for a biodegradable plastic mineral water bottle ... etc etc.
