Monday, October 17, 2011

Longest LSD.. and knee pain !!

I was attempting to do 30km run in preparation for my PBIM 42k.. Ended with 26k, and running out of a proper route and not forgetting my knee pain ! Did the usual Youth Park-Straits Quay-Tj Bungah Hotel loop, then followed by Gurney Drive-clock tower loop.. That was about 22k until youth Park back, so I decided to run a few loops at Botanical Gardens as the sun was getting hotter and running under the hot sun, even though it's 9+am, is not in my plan !
Knee pain ? OK now.. Guess I stressed it too much thru hard running.. I am changing my running form - more gliding vs pounding, more knee bent when landing and shorter strides to reduce the stress. Hope this will work better !

So, my longest LSD to date:
Time : 2:49:17
Distance : 26.08km
Pace : 6:29min/km

Will attempt my 30km this coming weekend !

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