Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Valdor Run - A small local race that's unparalleled !

Distance : 10.82km | Time : 1:02 | Pace : 5:47'/km

Did my first ever Valdor Run (11km). Valdor is a small new village situated in Sungai Bakap (exit Bukit Tambun toll) with well laid-out of 12 roads (Jalan 1-12). I signed up this race since i need to keep my December busy, else it will be a lazy month. So this marks my last race for the year.

I went with Edmund in the early morning. It was not easy to locate the exit after Bukit Tambun. Anyway, after some struggled and decided to turn on the Andorid Maps, we managed to find out way through. We reached there around 6.15am and a huge crowd was already formed.

This is a small local race with great kampung baru flavor, and in support of the Valdor Chinese School (organized by the PBIG of the school).. I estimated the crowd to be 500-600 with many age groups. The volunteers were seen starting to prepare the food for post-race feast !

The race started at 7am. Since this is my post-PBIM recovery race, but with a limited 400 medals for finishers, I was hard-pressed to ensure I do my best, yet not over-exerting myself. The race started well, and fast for me, as usual.  The route were well supported by the Valdor team cyclists and volunteers. It's amazing for such a local race, it can be so well organized. St John Ambulance members were seen almost throughout the route. We even have a kompang near the 6th km water station. Well, as for my race, it got worse after 5km, and I have to resort to some walking and jogging. I was on 5:30 pace at half-way point but deteriorated further, not surprising as I only had a couple of runs since PBIM on 18 Nov.

The finishing was a great set-up with the Chinese drummers drumming away at the final 100m and it made into a great 100m dash towards the finishing line.  The best is of course the post-race free flow of makan2 - fried mee, pau, nasi lemak, watermelon and many more ! Glad I made it in time to grab the last few medals (I believe the Men's veteran, the medals finished 10 mins after my race.. Phewww).

This is such a wonderful race, small, well-organized, scenic and kampung-styled, and post-racde feast.. I hope to be back next year.

2 thumbs up for the race !! Among the BEST I have raced this year.. and to think it cost me only RM20 for registration.. It's really unbeleievable !!

As for my timing, 1:02 for 10.82km, with a pace of 5:47. Nothing to shout about, really one of my PW for the year.. But at this festive season.. Who cares :)

The Valdor Chinese School - starting/finishing point

This Bomba is right opposite the school. Pretty cool,,No worries about fires !!

The finishing point - Mine was Category C

Part of the post-race feast



My final run for the year !

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