Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 Wrap Up

2012 - done and dusted, 2013 - a year of unchartered territory (running in USA !!) and full of excitement (more FMs ? Training for Ultra ?) ! Fingers-crossed.... Just wanna end the year in a better shape than I am now !

Did some reflections for 2012. Overall, it’s been a great one with more mileage compared to 2011 (1512km vs 1050km), did 3 full marathons and recorded my PBs for the full (4:12), 3 half with a PB@1:53.

- My best moments ? SCKLM
- My worst race ? PNM
- The most colorful race ? Rock to Rock
- Best organized race ? Valdor Run
- Worst organized race ? SP Half
DNF ? Men’s Health & KRI Ipoh HM

Medals collection

Running Summary at a Glance

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