Sunday, August 7, 2011

2 weeks into the 18-week First Marathon training plan

So here’s a quick check on my first 2 weeks into my 18-week training plan towards PBIM 42k, my FMV !! Verdict : not on-track !!

W31 was OK with an LSD (Youth Park, Tg Bungah Hotel, Gurney) on Sunday followed by Tempo Runs at USM oval tracks on the weekdays.. But it got downhill after that. I was down with some slight fever prior to my Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) trip, so I had to take it easy.. Rested on both Saturday (W31.6) and Sunday (W32.0) but managed to squeeze in a 5k on treadmill @ PSC when I accompanied the kids to the beach. Well, I must say running is the best cure for fever !!

W32 was pretty busy week with my business travel to HCMC. My audacious plan was to run at the treadmill for 4 days but ended with 2. Not a bad feat looking at my schedule especially I had to run an hr+ after heavy dinner !! So I did a 5k and 4.5k on Tuesday and Wednesday.. I arrived home on Friday but still missed Saturday’s morning run ! I guess I was in recovery mode.. Body felt lethargic due to late nights and the travel – I wonder what would happened if it’s a US trip recovery !! Sunday (W33.0) – was all looking fwd to a 20k LSD after missing the runs but alas ! It was raining… but then I was to lazy to do a check at 6am and I instead slept thru the next 4 hrs ! Guess I must listen to my body – I still need more sleep !! But the good thing is I still ended up with a 2.7k run @ PSC treadmill and a 15lap swim back to back.. Not a bad Sunday afterall..

So on to the next week.. Nothing to stop me from missing my runs – hopefully no more haze and runs.. Durian season is finally OVER for me.. But then, I hv not even started my Ramadhan juadah !! Guess back here, there is something to look fwd to eat every month !

W31 - 32.05km
W32 - 14.5km

and it's 16 more weeks to PBIM !!

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