Monday, August 8, 2011

Speed Work is damn tough !!

Aug 8 (W33.1) - an auspicious day.. 8/8 :-)
Supposed to be a st day but since I did not do LSD yesterday and I came home earlier, decided to do some speedwork at the oval USM. Also, aince it's a Ramadhan, it will be less crodwed at the oval !
Did 5 laps of 420m each with a 2 minutes intervals of recovery (walking). So the 5 laps were tkmed at:

1:48, 1:38, 1:44, 1:56 and 1:39mins respectively.. Pretty satisfied with the speed work but it was tough.. Felt like passing out towar the last 100m.. LOL ! Will do the hill run next.. Hopefully at Bukit Jambul !

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