Sunday, December 30, 2012

Marathon Series - Two 42kms (Ocean Island & RJM)

Marathon Series came out with a unique combo 42kms that comes with a superb medal that looks like a ying-yang logo. There's the inaugural Island Ocean @ Langkawi in April and then the popular River Jungle Marathon (RJM) @ Hulu Langat.

I can't make it to the April's Langkawi, so will just settle for the RJM (1st Sep), most likely my 1st 42km after coming home from AZ. So there'll be Sep's RJM, followed by Oct's PNM :)

Here's the details from their home page:

From the producers of The River Jungle Marathon, The Marathon Shop proudly presents the introduction of The Marathon Series - Malaysia.


The Marathon Series is a designed by The Marathon Shop to be a boutique FULL MARATHON ON ROAD (no trail involved) only run. It is designed to bring participants through some of the most spectacular sights in Malaysia. From the exotic countryside to world class islands, it will be a run you will definitely remember!

Imagine, sight-seeing beautiful Malaysia without ever needing to leave the road on foot.

In 2013, The Marathon Series will consist of 2 BOUTIQUE FULL MARATHON event in Malaysia in an ON-ROAD run. This isn't a trail run.

Series 1 - The Island Ocean Marathon 2013 - 21st April 2013
Series 2 - The River Jungle Marathon 2013 - 1st September 2013

The Island Ocean Marathon 2013 is an inaugural run that has been designed by the team at The Marathon Shop. The course is in Langkawi, Kedah and it will bring you through the coastal lines of this amazing world famous island. The sun, sea and sand is what this run is all about. Run along the beach, coast and witness these amazing sights yourself!

As per our usual standards, The Island Ocean Marathon route is designed in a single loop of 42.195 KM. This means, every step you take brings is a fresh new sight!

There will be only minimal U-Turns so that you do not have to battle the route mentally!

Date: 21st April 2013
Time: 4.00 am (Race Briefing) 4.30 am (Race Start)
Venue: Awana Porto Malai, Langkawi, Kedah, Malaysia

The River Jungle Marathon 2013 will be in it's Fourth (4th) year running. Introduced in 2010, The River Jungle Marathon is now an internationally recognized event.

It brings you through some of the most scenics sights only a stone throw away from the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A mere 20-minutes drive from downtown KL the route brings you to a marvelous sight of the Semenyih Dam, Mountains, and traditional Malay villages where the little kids from the Kampung (Village) will happily cheer you on in this fun filled Full Marathon.

Enjoy All These without Ever Needing to Leave the Road!

Date: 1st September 2013
Time: 4.30 am (Race Briefing) 5.00 am (Race Start)
Venue: Kampung Batu 18, Hulu Langat, Selangor, Malaysia

Registration is NOW OPEN at

For more information, please email to or call our friendly customer care hotline at 1300-88-6600

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Great Quote

Read this yesterday from January's edition of RW.
I know the exhuasted part very well.. The exuberant is very mental - I always find it during races (that goes with the endorphins) but pretty tough during trainings. I guess I am too focused during my mostly solo runs. I need to start to smell the roses along the route and enjoy a bit more... and more relaxed.. Something to learn in 2013 as well !

You know you've had a great run when you feel exhausted but exuberant - Nicholas Kristof (NYT columnist)

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Strength Training - 4 Strength Exercises for Time-Strapped Runners

I am pretty poor at strength training - both discipline as well as the variety of training methods.. Definitely one area that I need to improve vastly in 2013..

4 Strength Exercises for Time-Strapped Runners (like me loh !! :)
By Erik Taylor

It's never easy to maintain a balanced training program that includes running and building strength, but it's particularly difficult for distance runners who are training for a goal race to find the time for cross-training. But strength-training exercises are the armor that can protect runners from imbalances and injury. Complete these four essential exercises at least twice a week—the workout should take 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how you put the moves together.


The squat is the most important exercise runners can do. Squats build power and strength. A correctly executed full-range squat, where the hip crease goes below the kneecap, is not only safe for the knees, but it will also help make them more stable. When the hip crease is below the knee, your glutes, adductors and hamstrings are all engaged. A partial squat (hip crease does not go below the kneecap) will only activate the quadriceps.

Try to spread the floor apart with your feet as you are squatting. This will keep your knees from rolling inward. Push your butt back and down, maintain a rigid spine, and keep your chest up.

Single leg Dead-Lift

When performed correctly, this exercise will recruit all of the muscles of the posterior chain. Single-leg deadlifts (SLDL) increases foot and knee stability, and build better balance and proprioception (body awareness). If you find yourself falling over, it’s because your ankle stabilizers are not firing to help you keep your balance. SLDL can take practice to perfect, but it is worth it. Good Form Tip: Keep your back rigid and your eyes on the horizon, about 6 to 10 feet in front of you


A great full body exercise, push-ups can help increase endurance through consistent practice. Push-ups work the chest, triceps, biceps, shoulders, forearms, abs, and even engage the legs. If you do not have the strength to do a push-up, start with your knees on the floor.

Contract your abs—this will keep your spine rigid, chin in a neutral position, and will allow your chest to brush the floor.

Renegade Rows

Put your body in a push-up position with your hands around a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells. The goal is to keep the spine rigid with little to no movement of the pelvis as you are rowing up the weight. Renegade rows will increase shoulder stability, core strength and endurance.

Contract your abs, keep your chin in a neutral position, and ensure your feet are shoulder-width apart.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Training : 12/10 - 12/23

Less than 30days to go for the AZ RnR..
Training has not been consistent but at least it's better than the preparation for PBIM. Having a slight cough now. Hope it's not getting any worse which will derail all my plans.. Blame it on the durians and loads and loads of good food over the last 1 week..

12/12/12 -
USM - 20mins easy > 15mins steady > 2x1000m fast > 1.5mins recovery..
Pancit run
7.26 km || 00:40 || 05:34 pace
12/13/12 -
USM - 15mins easy > 3x400m fast with 2mins brisk walk > 3mins recovery.
Another tough one for me.. hungry and nearly blanked out.
4.96 km || 00:29 || 05:46 pace
12/16/12 -
Moderate LSD. Gurney-Pearl Hill-Botanical-Gurney. Evenly split pace between the 2 10ks.
19.8 km || 01:59 || 06:00 pace
12/19/12 -
15mins easy (6:10) > 4x400m fast (4:43, 4:22, 4:34, 4:34) > 4xbrisk walk (7:40) > 1x800m fast (4:53) > ended by the rain
6.15 km || 00:38 || 06:06 pace
12/21/12 -
Post Doomsday LSD. Gurney-floating mosque-clock tower-Gurney... Too tired to hit my 30k target.  I need to start training under the morning sun and with my shades..
26.1 km || 02:48 || 06:26 pace

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Valdor Run - A small local race that's unparalleled !

Distance : 10.82km | Time : 1:02 | Pace : 5:47'/km

Did my first ever Valdor Run (11km). Valdor is a small new village situated in Sungai Bakap (exit Bukit Tambun toll) with well laid-out of 12 roads (Jalan 1-12). I signed up this race since i need to keep my December busy, else it will be a lazy month. So this marks my last race for the year.

I went with Edmund in the early morning. It was not easy to locate the exit after Bukit Tambun. Anyway, after some struggled and decided to turn on the Andorid Maps, we managed to find out way through. We reached there around 6.15am and a huge crowd was already formed.

This is a small local race with great kampung baru flavor, and in support of the Valdor Chinese School (organized by the PBIG of the school).. I estimated the crowd to be 500-600 with many age groups. The volunteers were seen starting to prepare the food for post-race feast !

The race started at 7am. Since this is my post-PBIM recovery race, but with a limited 400 medals for finishers, I was hard-pressed to ensure I do my best, yet not over-exerting myself. The race started well, and fast for me, as usual.  The route were well supported by the Valdor team cyclists and volunteers. It's amazing for such a local race, it can be so well organized. St John Ambulance members were seen almost throughout the route. We even have a kompang near the 6th km water station. Well, as for my race, it got worse after 5km, and I have to resort to some walking and jogging. I was on 5:30 pace at half-way point but deteriorated further, not surprising as I only had a couple of runs since PBIM on 18 Nov.

The finishing was a great set-up with the Chinese drummers drumming away at the final 100m and it made into a great 100m dash towards the finishing line.  The best is of course the post-race free flow of makan2 - fried mee, pau, nasi lemak, watermelon and many more ! Glad I made it in time to grab the last few medals (I believe the Men's veteran, the medals finished 10 mins after my race.. Phewww).

This is such a wonderful race, small, well-organized, scenic and kampung-styled, and post-racde feast.. I hope to be back next year.

2 thumbs up for the race !! Among the BEST I have raced this year.. and to think it cost me only RM20 for registration.. It's really unbeleievable !!

As for my timing, 1:02 for 10.82km, with a pace of 5:47. Nothing to shout about, really one of my PW for the year.. But at this festive season.. Who cares :)

The Valdor Chinese School - starting/finishing point

This Bomba is right opposite the school. Pretty cool,,No worries about fires !!

The finishing point - Mine was Category C

Part of the post-race feast



My final run for the year !

Monday, December 3, 2012

PF Chang's Rock n Roll Arizona - 20 Jan 2013

Signing up for this race, going to be my first race in the States, a day before my birthday !
Starts at downtown Phoenix, goes through Scottsdale, and ends at Tempe.. Not cheap ! Gonna cost me RM450+ (US$135 registration + processing fees) but I can later claim that I hv run in one of the Rock n Roll Series, a rare opportunity :)

Kids Rock Arizona (January 2013)

Signed up for Jadyn and Jaden with a 50% courtesy of the GPTW !
50% of US$25 registration fees per entry. Total paid was US$33.58. 
All set to Rock the Kids Rock Arizona on Jan 19th, a day before Jaden's 6th birthday. Will be fun !

1-mile Fun Run
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Race Information
- The race is open to kids ages Kindergarten – 6th grade
- Location: Tempe, AZ in front of Sun Devil Stadium at ASU
Participants are grouped by age; the oldest kids run first starting at 9:00am
Parents may run with their kids for free and no parent registration is required
P.F. Changs will limit each age group to 800 participants and will close the race when full

Packet Pick Up
·         All race numbers must be picked up at the Health and Fitness Expo on Friday, January 18.
Health and Fitness Expo
o    Friday, January 18 from 10:00am-7:00pm
o    Phoenix Convention Center
o    North Building
o    100 N. Third Street
o    Phoenix, AZ 85004
Race number pick-up is not available on race day – you must pick up your kid’s race numbers the day before the race at the Health and Fitness Expo

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Desert Classic - Supposedly to be my first race in the States

Itching for some runs when I am in the States come 1H of 2013's assignment, i have decided to sign up for the first race. Desert Classic, 2 Feb 2013. So here I come.. 5th full marathon, in a totally different weather, different country, different route... Fingers crossed.. and the training starts now !!

* Update 12/1 - Changed to a half-marathon to avoid the long day since it's a 1.5 hr trip for the run. Decided to run a full @ PF Chang's Arizona Rock & Rock instead, my 5th.

At Surprise, 1hr+ from Chandler

one long out and back route

Registration Confirmation

Elevation Map

Tanjung Run 10km - final tune-up to PBIM

10 Nov 2012 - Tanjung Run 10km. Interestingly, Tanjung Run was supposed to be my very first race when I decided to start running in 2009. But I chickened at the end, and went straight into PBIM 2009. Somehow, I never manage to participate in any Tanjung Run in 2010 and 2011 and was never going to let go of this opportunity this time. It was held to co-incide with the Governor’s Birthday and just a week’s before the PBIM. My objective were to run a good decent race and not to aggravate any injury especially the nagging shin pain. The route was pretty much a flat one around the Padang Polo à pass thru governor’s house à General Hospital àAnson Road à Macalister Road à Dato Keramat Road (the KDU side) à back into Rangoon Road and then make a turn into Pulau Tikus before leading back to St Georges and back to Padang Polo (Jalan Sepoy Line).  The race started at 7am, not my favorite time as it gets hotter towards the 8am finishing time.
This race also saw man of my colleagues participating and I am glad many are taking up running as a form of exercise.. They were Edmund Goh, Evelyn Teoh, James Boo, Lim Chong (an avid runner), Bob Thor, PS Lim. Logan was MIA, preparing cookies for Deepavali.  I started out strong and fast as usual, never learned my lesson. At 4th km, my shin pain got the better of me, and I had to take a brisk walk and started jogging. By then, I ‘lost’ the motivation to do a decent time. I just want to end the race respectably and injury-free. Many runners over-took me. Since there’s an age-group raced, there were many youngsters, as young as probably 12-13 years old running, and boy, they did very well !!
So overall, a 5:28’/km wasn’t the worst of time but had I hv to complete 10km, I am sure it will be a close to 5:50 pace !  Thank God it was a shorter race.

Distance : 8.78km (thank God it is shorter, hence reduced my agony !)
Time : 47:55mins
Pace : 5:27’/km (5km split : 5:10 & 5:50)
Tanjung Run 2012

at finishing point

With Edmund, Evelyn, Bob Thor and Dr Sim

Waiting for the rest to come back

Love this pic.. With Chris as well. and James Boo

Cert, Bib and medal

Rock to Rock Run - They Really Rock !!

28 October 2012 - Rock to Rock Run report and again, way behind in schedule !  So on 28th Oct, I did the Rock to Rock Run organized by Hard Rock Hotel. While it was a 4km run last year, it has since improved and expanded to a 10.2km competitive run (while maintaining the 4km as fun run), and with a whopping 1,500 participants !  The route was a scenic Hard Rock Hotel to Butterfly Farm and back. Just like last year, they have great prizes for best dress runners and many of them came dressing up for the occasion, among them, I think the best one was the Elvis impersonator by KK Yum (all the way from KL) !  I picked up Chris, just like last year, except that this time, Chris was all geared up to run while  he was limping on his crutches last year..  I met the usual Penang running kakis while also met up Jimmy HH Lim from KL whom I passed Karim’s running vest to.
The race was supposed to start at 7am but was delayed 5mins+ due to Lydia’s late arrival and it was not joke when the Rapid bus tried to maneuver through the road filled with runners. This is really one safety lapse. Other than that, the race was very well-organized. 2 thumbs up !
I started the race trying to match Karen and Bee Hong, and soon, it became catching up with them.  I did 4:30 pace for the first 3km before fizzled out with a 4:50 for the first 5km at the turn in Butterfly Farm. The first half was a mostly uphill route and it has taken the wind out from me. Pure foolhardy to try that crazy pace. After the turn, it was mostly downhill, and literally so in terms of my runs ! I spent a lot of time jogging and brisk walking and before long, the hot sun started to take its toll on me. The 2nd 5km pace ? A poor 5:50 pace.

Distance : 10.22km
Time : 54mins
Pace : 5:17’/km

Near finishing point

with SL Chen and Alan Leong (all the way from Ipoh)

With Edmund and Chris

With Rahim (left), Abdul Rahman (3rd from left), Qammarulzaman (right most) and friends

With Chris. Took the same pic on the same spot last year I remember.. LOL

With Rahim and Ramlan

With Wong Jin Ji and SK Leon

Finisher medal

Finisher medal

Cert, Bib, Finisher Medal

Friday, October 26, 2012

My #3 - Putrajaya Night Marathon, a memorable race

Putrajaya Night Marathon (PNM) marked my 3rd full marathon, the first 2 being PBIM 2011 and SCKLM 2012. This was a last minute inclusion since I am supposed to do my PBIM in a month’s time. Nonetheless, the lure of a night run, a run at Putrajaya and another marathon were too tempting to miss !  Signed up, and booked a hotel @ PJ (Shah’s Village) after paying the price of 2 nights for a night’s stay (blame it on London Olympics and !! That is another story). I took the morning Firefly flight down on Saturday (Oct 20), picked up by Chun Ying, a FB fren and fellow runner. What followed were real non-stop eating.. First, breakfast @ Taipan (lor mee, followed by wantan mee, then Starbucks).. An hr + later, 兰姐非洲鱼 @Subang with choo char before Chun Ying dropped me at the hotel. Took a couple of hour’s nap (which was like an hr in actual), I went food hunting for final carbo loading. Not much choices at Amcorp Mall, so I ended with a Secret Recipe Aglio Olio (big serving) and tapau a Subway Tuna sandwich for the real final carbo load.. So I guess I hv perfected my carbo load this time (the Sundown 21km hungry horror still haunts me).
Before the race -4hrs (a 6” Subway), -6hrs (Pasta), -8hrs (normal rice and choo char).

I got another ride to Putrajaya via Chun Ying’s friends. This is the first time I get to run at a race with free rides all the way.. Thank you Chun Ying & co. Met new friends Jimmy The and Kok Ming.  Fellow avid runners too.. The weather forecast for Putrajaya was heavy rain throughout the night. I was all prepared to get wet, partly I was informed Putrajaya is hot and dry. So some rain will be a welcome respite, also can prevent cramps.. So I WISHED !!  On the way to Putrajaya, it was raining heavily with bolts of lightning. Took us just 40mins or so to reach the venue. Soon, dark clouds gathered threateningly. After snapping a couple of photos, I quickly kept my bag at the luggage deposit area. The race was supposed to start at 8pm, so we had an hr+ of lepaking around. Managed to meet some fellow runners, FB frens and some Penang kakis. The Penang runners came down in the same bus. Maybe I shud tag along with them, cheaper and hv company too. Not many i-Runners though.  I bumped into SL Chen (of all places, she is from Penang and we have to meet at Putrajaya !!!), Sin Tuck, Sean Wong the photographer (who warned me about the route which turned out to be 100% true – he did that last year and suffered, so changed to HM this year), Alwin Tan, the affable Uncle Alex, Cikgu Syeco, Gus Ghani who accompanied the girlfriend for her HM, Qamarrul @ starting lineup, Yimster the ultraman.. and many familiar faces.. It was a nice gesture for the emcee to mention and paid tribute to Cheah Meei Meei who passed away a day earlier due to blood infection. Meei Meei, for the record, is an accomplished and elite runner who has won many events she has taken part and also Malaysia’s first ever jockey !

Closer to 8pm, we went into the kandang. There was supposed to be 800 FM runners but I guess there was around 600 who turned up. The weather was hot and dry, no rain !! What a bummer. Without any warning, the gun went off (at least lah give some excitement by counting down…).. The route was ok for the first 10km through some winding roads with nice building to enjoy, the best being running thru the bridge (dunno what’s the name) at the 40th minute. I was quietly hoping to do a 4:15-4:30 since I do not know the elevation of the route.  A sub-4, leave it to flat route like SCKLM or maybe PBIM later.

First 10km – I realized I was running too fast, @5:30 pace. So I tried to slow down and tried to keep to the 5:40 range. There were some winding slopes, but not too bad.. I was trying to control my pacing and keep a close watch on my heartbeat (avoid heart-burn !) I completed my first 10km in 57:40 @ 5:46 pace. On track, I told myself – and so I thought !

2nd 10km – We started to run towards the main highways and they get more elevations – long and straight ones, my Achilles heel. I started to struggle. I still tried to keep to the tried-and-tested pit stops of run, then 30steps brisk walk before running again. I saw Karen Loh passed me, tried to use her as pacer, I dropped off after a couple hundred meters. She was just too fast ! I was doing fine until 16th km… The dreaded twitching at both my calves indicated an impending cramp !  At only 16th km !!! I was so mad at myself… If it had happened at 30th km, I can understand but 16th km ?!!  Looks like the past BKMs of ORS did not help at all. I started to realize that the lack of training must have an impact on this. At the same time, the route are more hilly, hence more impact to the muscles. I tried to slow down and do some stretching at roadside. Others started to pass me, including Alwin who ran beside me and gave me tips about the route in front and what pace to follow. I was so grateful he told me that so that mentally, I was prepared. At 18th km, the cramp hit me, both calves.. More stops, more brisk walks. The route has also become significantly unpredictable. Even with downhill run, I calves hurt as much, so I can’t really run at faster pace than a 6:30 ! It was past 2 hr mark when I reached 20km. Dang. My 4:15 is at risk. Lap 2 – 68mins, 6:48 pace. You can see the 1min per km drop in pacing.

3rd 10km – I frantically look for the muscle spray since my long compression pants will not allow any cream to be applied effectively (the first aider actually asked me to roll up my compression pants for them to apply the cream.. Sigh..). I stopped at all stations and the last around 18th km, Alas, they only have ice packs and at one station before 20th km, I declined the cream, thinking that I could get a spray at later station – I was so dead wrong.. and paid the price ultimately.. I was really suffering between 21-30th km. No matter how much I thought I “ran”, I was at jogging pace ! The total average pace just stayed at 8:00-8:05’/km range.  I felt the stiffness on my 2 calves, especially the left ones. If there’s one who keep stopping at the roadside and stretch the 2 feet, that could very well be me !  26th km – I was so happy to see watermelon being served ! Watermelon never tasted so wonderful.. I took my time to sit at the side railing and enjoyed the watermelon. Took some rest and chit0chat with a fellow lady runner, who also complained she cannot run anymore. After spending 3mins there, I continue my run. At 27th km, I could see runners already making a loop back. A guy was giving away power gel at 33rd km. My quick calculation tells me I need to run until 30th km to make a U-turn ! One by one, I saw the runners easily 30+mins ahead of me – Yim, Cikgu, Jeff Ooi, Karen Loh and many more seasoned runners.. Time taken : 100mins, 8:01 pace.

4th 10km – At the turn, surprisingly, I saw Alwin just 100m in front of me. He later complained of fast heartbeat, thus the slowing down. I continue to plod on. I was running more but could not sustain it. So I decided to do brisk walking @ 8:-8:30 pace. Pretty amazing that I found myself doing that fast pace despite the cramps. By then, I know 4:30 is no longer attainable and even a sub-5 is at risk. Hitting the 32km, I still have 1:20 to go. Cool. If I keep to 7:00 pace, I can still make it a sub-5.. But to my dismay, 35th km onwards, it became apparent that the next 5km is a long hilly route, much like the earlier ones, except you are running pretty lonely along the long, dark road ! No wonder Alwin reminded me not to fall back too far behind.. But I must salute the volunteers. They were still there cheering us on, giving us water and even have 4 on-stilt artists entertaining us. Time taken : 101mins, 8:09pace

Towards the last 2km, the route was a flat one. Both my calves hurt so bad that they have become so stiff every step became very uncomfortable. I lost the urge to do my customary dash in the last 2km. Looking at the clock, it’s close to 5:00.. So I reckon I will end up with a 5:10 or so.. I just do little jog, then walk, and then jog again.. The last 1km was a long stretch towards the finishing point. Loud music awaiting the finishers. Last 100m, managed to snap a pic by Victor then I did the very slow jog towards the finishing line.  Glad that the race is over but worried how bad my calves will hold up in the next few weeks with PBIM coming up in <1 months time. Received my medals and goodie bags from 2 ladies. Felt great, well treated J  And then the grand finale ! 3 photograpers – Sean, a lady and Ramlan snapping away the finisher pose. I was tired and too ‘defeated’ to pose anything.. LOL !

My + and -:
+ Very well organized race. Many volunteers, spacious with wide roads @ Putrajaya. Strategically positioned cheering teams right at the top of a hilly run to encourage runners to run to the top.
+ Challenge route. A real good test for a runner
+ Sufficient water stations, love the watermelon !!
+ Car parks were not a rpblem
+ Portable loo aplenty, no need to wait for long queue
+ Easy & convenient luggage check-in

- As expected, no spray for the full marathoners. Surprisingly, sprays were seen for half marathoners.. Sigh.. Key learning : Never leave home without my trusted Yoko Yoko next time !! Reminder for PBIM !
- Add more cheering teams for the full marathon especially towards the 30km and above. When the runners hit the wall, cheering team’s presence will provide extra boost
- Mist / shower station ?

Overall distance : 42.70km
Time taken : 5:11
Overall pace : 7:17 pace
Calories burned : 2963 cal burned

Lap 1 (10km) – 57:40mins, 5:46 pace
Lap 2 (20km) – 1:08 6:48
21st km @ 2:14
Lap 3 (30km) – 1:20, 8:01
Lap 4 (40km) – 1:21, 8:09
Lap 5 (last 2 km) – 23:41, 8:46

Will I be back for another shot to redeem myself next year ? YES ! I will be back as and when my schedule permits ! This time, I will be more prepared – physically and mentally !

The fish shop. 兰姐非洲鱼
1 person 1 fish.. So full..
The threatening skies, only to end with a whimper - no rain !
Starting point @ Palace of Justice
Jimmy, Kok Meng, one of the frens, Sean Wong

with Chun Ying

with Alwin Tan, photo courtesy of Sean Wong

with Uncle Alex and SL Chen - the Penang team :)

me after finisng line.. all drained.. 

But still managed to smile for the final pose, photo courtesy of Sean Wong and Ramlan Rasdi

Photo courtesy of Victor

A hard-earned medal !!

Nice Finisher tee