Sunday, January 9, 2011

1st January 2011 weekend - great start !

Had a GREAT weekend !!

Saturday (8 Jan) - Ran 3+ KM at USM Stadium at slightly after 6am but decided to give up after a couple laps.. No one else was running and it has that eerie feeling !! Haa.. So did 2 half-loops at my Halaman and that's it ! Pace @ 9.7pm/hr but that was only a short distance..

Sunday (9 Jan) - since it's a Sunday, I made it to Botanical Garden since I have never been there in the early morning. Took only 15 mins to reach Youth Park car park and started running.. Did a big loop, then lost the GPS connection due to bad signals, subsequently, did the usual smaller loops.. Forgot how many rounds in total, should be 4-5, then ran back to Youth Park. Achieved my personal best ! 8+KM, 9.3km/hr.. Felt good.. A lot of people walking and running there, hence many pacers for me to choose and didn't felt alone..:)

Snapped some pictures at the Lilly pond, the newly built ones right at the new entrance of Botanical Garden - also right at where the 2 controversial leaning arches of Penang used to stand ! But the drainage was bad and pond water overflowed, causing the whole grassland to be soaked in water.. They gotta fix this.. Also, maybe still too early, but there are only a handful of lilies.. Looks very bare..

The lily pond.. water soaked grassland

Entrance to the hike up Penang Hill (pic taken around 7.30am after the run)

Entrance to Botanical Garden

Looks like my Saturday and Sunday morning will be there... Once I get Jadyn's 8am art class sorted out..

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