Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jan 15 - Botanical-Youth Park route again..

Woke up late today (7.10am instead of 6am).. iPhone alarm did not go off, again !!! :( Decided to run anyway, went to Botanical 1 hr later than planned.. Well, I noticed my discipline has improved a lot (in the past, I would hv gotten back to sleep right away !), except for my craving for oily food & fast food - still IR :(

Saw Thaipusam preparation in full swing, with all the tents and attitudes being put in place along the Jalan Utama, just 4 days to go..
Just a so-so run today.. D 5.82km, P 9.7km/hr, 36mins run.. Need to consistently hit 10km run at least once a week. Going there tomorrow and Monday morning again since it's a holiday :). May be I will venture into running towards Gurney Drive and back...

Noticed this rusty main door to Botanical Garden.. Hope the Tourism Ministry can do something about it as it's the main door to a tourist attraction and it's an eye-sore.. Spend money here is better than doing the plain-looking lilly pond !

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