Sunday, March 18, 2012

A very satisfying Sunday run - Teluk Kumbar Cross-Country (Merentas Desa)

I did my 2nd Teluk Kumbar cross country this morning. The first was in 2010.. The difference was in 2010, I ran under the Open category, and did 8km (actually measured by my friend was 7.5km) but now, I am in the Jr Veteran group, I skipped the ~1km hilly run.. and ended up with 6.56km (stated as 6km in the race).
It was truly a nice feeling running through the scenic parts of teluk Kumbar which offers a lot of different running conditions - along the road, across the villages, the beach, and the veggie plantation (running on the benteng). I must say of all the races, this one boasts the most variety - short of tougLuh !! The beach run was the worse..
6.56k@37:44'@5:45'/k.. Toughest along the 1.2k beach, almost at walking pace !!

Total distance : 6.56m
Total time : 37:44
Average pace : 5:45'/k

The splits:
1) 2.53km (pace : 5:07) - along the road & through the kampung small roads, in between houses too !
2) 1.18km (pace :8:19) - along the dreaded beach.. The tide was high, so I had to run the soft part of the sandy beach.. Chris did a run on the lower edge of the beach, harder surface but had to get the shoe soaked.. I guess I still love my Ravenna 2 to let it wet the 2nd time !
3) 1.81km (pace : 5:21) - along the kampung roads
4) 269m (pace : 5:16) - through the veggie plantation, tough with muddy sands
5) 765km (pace : 5:01) - caught up with Chris.. and paced by him.. LOL !

Up next --> Malakoff 17km !

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