Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4 consecutive days of NO RUN = NO FUN !

I have not been running since last Thursday’s 5k @ USM stadium !! That's 4 consecutive days of no run, the longest in months ! No thanks to a Friday’s recognition session (Karaoke + Durian feast).. Then Saturday’s Penang Hill + 12 Monkeys dance show, then Sunday was totally out with the drive down to KL and caught in the delayed flight (delayed by 2.5 hrs).. Monday’s full-day team building @ Cinta Sayang took away any opportunity for a good run !!
The only saving grace is that the Cinta Sayang team building was pretty energy-sapping and tough, so I got some ‘Strength Training” in a way. LOL ! The toughest part was the Carnival’s tele-matches, especially the tug-of-war and the run-with-the-float.. I have muscle aches at both my arms pits !! But the legs were the pretty much OK.. So I guess it’s gonna be a great run today… Hopefully no rain !!

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