Sunday, July 3, 2011

Running in the rain - Jul 3'2011

Jul 2 (Sunday) – Had a real unusual run this morning from Youth Park to Clock Tower.. First, had a great run paced by Chris for the first 3.5km, averaging 5:15mins/km.. Then a numbness on my right shin and foot set in.. That’s the 2nd time it happened, first being the SCKLM.. Feels like a dead leg ! It was a walk-jog for a couple of km before it got better..

Then when running at City Bayview Hotel, a huge storm was formed, very strong swirling wind.. Could see the small twisters everywhere.. I took refuge at the 7-11 @ Penang Road where I got my 100 Plus.. Waited for about 8 mins before continuing my run.. Then the big one came.. It started to drizzle and poured when I was at Northam Hotel.. It was practically raining cats and dogs ! I had to hide at the hotel and wait out the rain.. Well, the rain did not seem like slowing down at all.. After around 10 mins, I saw a group of 3 runners running in the rain.. I decided to join in, at least I hv running partners versus running all along in the heavy rain.

We took the Jalan Kelawai route, nearest back to Youth Park of course.. By then, the pool of water has swelled on both sides of the road and we had to literally run into the pool and at times, avoid splashes of water from the passing cars ! Not only my body was soaked, my running shoes were too… Good thing I decided to run on my NB shoes this morning.. LOL !

Come to think of it.. Not a bad race. It was refreshing to run in the rain, this gives a new meaning to COOL RUNNING ! Although the wet-to-the-skin is a problem when trying to drive back as the car seat were soaking wet as well !! Timing wise.. I did 1:15 hrs for 13.01km with a 5:50 pace...

Key learning – 1) In future, during uncertain weather, wear poncho type rain coats ; 2) The right shin/foot problem – need some ice water treatment to relax the muscles.. According to Chris (a physio expert himself), this could be due to the new running technique and/or running shoes I was using.. Well, hope it gets better !

Up next – I need to draw up a marathon training plan as I am running way too few nowadays !! I need to hit at least 50km per week training vs now that looks like a 50km per month !!!

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